Blog 3

Alana Wright
2 min readFeb 10, 2021
2 Type Systems

After researching different typefaces to pair together, I was able to come to a solution. For my resume, I will be using the first type system. I selected the typefaces EB Garamond and Noto Sans JP. I decided to pair a sans serif font with a serif font to create an effective combination. I have always loved pairing these two types of typefaces together because it creates great contrast but unity at the same time. The personalities of the two styles are different but do not overpower one another. I want my resume to look professional without any tension in the design.

In terms of the contents’ hierarchy, I made each level unique but not complicated. I wanted my fonts to fit along with my logo, so I used the colors from my logo for the content. For my level one headings, I used EB Garamond medium at 24pt. For the next headings, I used Noto Sans JP regular at 14pt and then the light weight for the description underneath at 12pt. My contact information is also Noto Sans JP light. When I actually go to design my resume using CSS, I will adjust my point sizes accordingly. I was more focused on which typefaces worked well together to create an effective hierarchy. All of my type is legible and the colors work well together in order to guide the reader down each level. The design also feels balanced because the fonts and the colors are not overpowering.



Alana Wright

BFA Graphic and Interactive Design '23 - Edinboro University